Friday, September 15, 2006

A Change In The Air

It suddenly got chilly here. The weather changing always sparks such peculiar sentiments: a mingling of sadness and excitement. Leaves have also started falling off the trees seemingly over night; the long summer's activity of watering the yard (which at spring time I approached with a sense of nurturing and anticipation, I now, months later, tend to with a weary sense of responsibility) will soon be replaced with raking leaves (which I am sure I will approach with an eagerness and enjoyment of the earthy smells that raking stirs up, but then after months, perform with a sense of resentful obligation at the invading leaves).

. . . the changing atmospheric patterns affect more than just centigrades. And more than just seasonal activities change: it reminds me of children growing, loves come and gone, and years added to my life and my friends' lives.

It also really makes me want to buy new sweaters.

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