Friday, April 13, 2007


Danny Elfman is to Tim Buron . . as . . Mark Mothersbaugh is to Wes Anderson.

Now it's your turn.


s.k.namanny said...

Anjelina Jolie is to Brad Pitt as Jennifer Anniston is to Brad Pitt.

( . . . as Anjelina Jolie is to Billy Bob Thorton as Jennifer Anniston is to Noah Wyle, as Brittany Spears is to Justin Timberlake as Cameron Diaz is to Justin Timberlake as Kevin Bacon is to . . . )

s.k.namanny said...

Winona Ryder is to Ashley Judd as Alec Guiness is to Steven Baldwin.

jonathan said...

I would have said the Mothersbaugh thing if you hadn't. The best music he's made since the third Devo LP, New Traditionalists. But I don't need to tell you that.