Amy and I went on a sweltering hike in the heat of a Saturday afternoon. With the sun blazing down on us and the powdery trail kicking up dust in our dry throats (some one forgot their water) the cool river tempted us below. We skipped taking an extra route to make it down to the river in order to get home and gulp ice water like fiends.
We did come across a beautiful little water fall, however as thirsty as we were, we were not excited about getting giardia, so we merely wetted our faces and pulse points instead of indulging in a much needed drink.
tell me more about these, how you say, "pulse points?"
I think Scott has a lot of pulse points in his dirty little mind.
To clear up any confusion, a pulse point is where an artery lies -- carotid (neck), radial (wrist), and femoral (groind, I needn't elaborate) -- the theory is, if you cool a pulse point, you cool the area where blood is pumped out to your extremeties, sending cooler blood to your overheated body.
It is all very scientifical. . . in case you need more info., we cooled our carotid and radial artery points in the water. You, young man, can cool whatever you need to.
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