Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Call of the Wild

Mountain biking has been incredible these past few balmy spring days.  If I haven't been working, or cleaning the house,  I have been in the canyon on the bike -- yeehaa!  Today I went on my feet, running it is called, and had almost as much fun.

I also went to see our friend Kieth Lowell Jensen's movie at the 
Crest theater:  Why Lie I Need A Drink.  He humorously dispels the urban legend that pan-handlers make enough money to own a nice home and swanky vehicle (which they park in a secret place while they grab their cardboard sign and beg for the day).  Go figure.  As guilded as the Crest Theater is, I always manage to fall asleep when I am there (like the time I saw David Sedaris), and sure enough, I fell asleep during the middle of the movie.  But only for about ten minutes or so, so I think I am still good.  Right?  Why Lie, I Need a Nap.


KLJ said...

Ha ha. Way to sell it. Boy everyone will want to see my movie now, well everyone who has trouble sleeping.

Thanks for coming to the show. I really appreciate it, even if you did catch a few zzzzzs.
I hope you understand if I don't put YOUR review up on my website.

Grace and Aria said...

I actually would love to see the movie. The homeless have been on my mind a lot lately.
But knowing me... can I get it on DVD eventually?

Kirstie said...

Keith you should actually feel honored. I fell asleep during David Sedaris and he had a laugh every thirty seconds. I timed it just before I nodded off and drooled on myself.

s.k.namanny said...

I was riveted to the screen every second. So it was impossible to sleep. Also Rob Cockerham kept putting his hand on my knee.

jonathan said...

Franky, I am tired of these rich panhandlers taking advantage of us poor working stiffs.
Actually, I've always thought its better to err on the side of generosity. What if one or two of these homeless folks actually is not rich? What if?

Adellamorio said...

I always give money to homeless people just in case one of them is an angel in disguise. Cause if they do turn out to be an angel, they give you all kinds of stuff like gold, and a Wii, and probably like...free sandwiches for a year. Also, I like to give them sunscreen so that I don't have to pay my taxes for veterinarians to put them down when the get an inoperable melanoma.