Monday, September 08, 2008

Rock Around The Clock

Tonight Cole was playing with the innards of a music box that Donna had bought for me on her trip to Europe years ago ('my friend went to Europe and all I got was this lousy innards to a music box,' I think that's what the t-shirts says). This musical device looks like a miniature piece of what is inside a player piano; it plays one song and you crank it by hand, or with your fingers really. Cole asked me how fast should he be turning the tiny crank to get the tempo right. So we opened up You Tube to play the song "Rock Around The Clock" by Bill Haley and The Comets. I knew Cole had heard the song when he was very young because I had it on a CD we used to listen to often, but he hadn't heard it recently enough. None of us have . . . anyway, here's to you! Enjoy.

1 comment:

dmo said...

Thanks Kirstie. Oh baby you know what I like. This is not the Big Bopper speaking. Just dmo. That's OK, a lot of people make that mistake.