Sunday, September 07, 2008

Soccer Season Is Upon Us

Thanks to my friend Steve Levine (husband to my awesome mt. bike partner and friend Marianne), I was able to capture a few photos of the first game of the AYSC soccer season 2009, Auburn, California, USA. Woohoo!I love soccer season -- standing on the sidelines in the (soon to be) Fall weather with a cup of coffee, the sky is usually the crispest blue, the leaves are just beginning to change to gold, brown, and red as a slight breeze loosens them from their tenuous stems on trees that line the field, and the excitement in the air generated from the players buzzez about while parents chat convivially and occasionally stop to cheer on a player.

We have a great team of players this year, a great coach, and (a fact I am happy about) a great group of parents to mingle with. That's always and added benefit.But what I am most happy about is times like yesterday, when driving home with Cole he said "I think that was the best game I've played so far." And he had that mixture of satisfaction and excitement you get when know you hit your mark -- you pushed your body, tested your talents, focused your mind, put them all together and achieved success. It is a fantastic feeling and a hard earned privilege of an experience that comes with participating in sports.

I look forward to the unfolding soccer season . . . I apologize, but I must quote "the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat (read, personal defeat)." This sports idiom has not persisted for years without reason.

5 comments: said...

Great soccer photos! Looks like he'll have a great season :-)

s.k.namanny said...

boy looks like he was made for the cover of sports illustrated

jonathan said...

I agree with Jukebox mom - what? Oh Juicebox. I agree any way. Great photos.

Kirstie said...

Jukebox mom is a cool name. . . I should've thought of that.

Grace and Aria said...

This is our first year of soccer. It's so fun! I've been dubbed the team photographer... and yes, nice pics, Kirstie! I'm learning the art of soccer photography.

btw, I have snack in two weeks... any suggestions? Grace's age group is mostly interested in the snack.