Sunday, October 05, 2008

Palin's Joe Six Pack - Who Is He?

I know where Main St. is, but who is "Joe Six Pack"?

Is he an alcoholic?

Or an unnaturally sculpted male?
(I understand that "Joe Six Pack" is supposed to be a euphemism for the average American male.  I'd be offended if I were an average American male).


jonathan said...

Where'd you find that picture! I'm so embarrassed.

Kirstie said...

I found it at Sadler'

s.k.namanny said...

Also known as:
Sally Housecoat
Johnny Lunchpale
John Q. Public (see also Joan)
Joe Schmoe
Lenny Lovehandles
Rosey the Riveter
Jenny Jackhammer (possibly a porn star)
and Gottfried the Unnaturally Hairless (Eastern European version)