Monday, April 27, 2009

Patience is a . . . bike

Remember how I told you I don't like to shop, but that my new goal is to slow down and put more thought in to a purchase. Well, yesterday I test rode my third bike and it made me want to impulse buy. I told myself to test as many bikes as possible before settling on the right one. Sometimes though, when you meet the right one you just know it. And yesterday I fell in love . . . with a bike. (I actually said in my head as I was riding: I have found the bike I'm going to marry. I mean buy. OMG, I can't believe I just said marry). Now I just have to test my patience and keep testing bikes before tying the knot. But the Santa Cruz Nomad, ahhhhhh. I'm all giddy.


Anonymous said...

I bet you could do some sweet jumps with that bike.


Kirstie said...

I bought the bike . . . and I have done some sweet jumps. It's a sweet bike!