Monday, April 14, 2008

Scrabbling for the Right Words

Thanks to my friend Molly's suggestion Friday night to break out the Scrabble board, my family and I Scrabbled all weekend. Once the board was out on the table, and remained so all weekend, it was like a Siren's Song that called me away from projects, chores, even long bike rides. It was one of those weekends where the spirit and the body were co-unwilling to do anything task oriented, if just for a couple of days. However, playing Scrabble over and over was the perfect remedy of idle time well spent. Three of the games that Cole and I played (we played well over three games total) ended with no tiles left for either player. I was considering unoriginally photographing and posting a game, but our camera is no where in sight.

No camera is the main reason I have not posted for a while (that and being incredibly busy with work and yard work and mastering the canyon on my bike [which is FUN]) and why I have not written about the awesome "Get Lost" party we threw last weekend at my house. I will post a link to the movie my very talented friends wrote, acted in, directed and edited when I get it so you too can check it out. Hilarity. But the premier, it was indescribable.


Molly said...

ah, i'm so glad you guys got to scrabble all weekend! hopefully some of the games were better than the one we started friday night. we should play again soon. i'll bring the popcorn.

s.k.namanny said...

Scrabble. I'm so jealous.