Monday, July 14, 2008

This woman is made of steel.
This woman is tired.
This weekend I was at mountain bike race in Downieville with a friend of mine. Neither of us participated in the race, we were just there to check out the activities and to see if we wanted to sign up next year, we do. It is a beautiful course and it is really too frustrating to be around a race unless you, or someone you are helping out, is in the race.
At one point I was sitting on the ground next to a woman while we were waiting for the awards ceremony to begin. Someone nearby mentioned they were tired and I chimed in, me too. The woman asked me if I had raced that day and I said no, I really had no reason to be tired (other than flying to LA for two days of training for work while still managing the house and family, coming home to out-of-town visitors, and then taking off the next day to Downieville.) I asked her if she had raced and she said she had and when asked how it went, she said it was tough.
A few minutes after the awards ceremony began, this woman sitting next to me, who I complained to that I was tired, got up and went to the stage to accept her second place medal for the women's Pro Division with a stunning time.
Uhhh, congratualtions, is what I said to her when she sat back down next to me on the ground.
I am not made out of steel. I am tired.


s.k.namanny said...

what you're made of is better than steel.

Grace and Aria said...

I wish I was made of steel (or something with a lot of energy) but I am tired, too. Perhaps I should go to bed instead of sitting here in front of my computer!