Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Be Mine, Cupcake

My talented sister, Stephanie, made us Valentine's Day Cupcakes. She's quite the cupcake maker! I would love to see her open a trendy cupcakery in town . . . (I don't think "cupcake maker" and "cupcakery" are real words, but they sure are mmmmm, delicious sounding).


Molly said...

Avery wants to know if you have extra - hehe. She should definitely start a cupcakery, and call it a cupcakery - sounds like a delicious word to me. We'll have to talk about your header. No success with the image I had. Find another and we'll set you up. I can even give you three columns! I'm off to check out your Flickr (is that new?).

s.k.namanny said...

If frosting didn't nauseate me, I'd celebrate these otherwise delicious looking photos.

Grace and Aria said...

Beautiful cupcakes! I vote yes for the cupcakery.