Thursday, November 29, 2007

Did You Know. . . ?

Did you know that it takes 3 - 4L of water to make 1L of bottled drinking water? It takes approx. 3L of water to make the plastic for the bottle and 1L to fill it. (It also takes about 17 million barrels of oil to make the 8 billion gallons of bottled water we drink a year, this is not including the energy it takes to cool and transport water).

Now, I am not preaching on this blog site; I am known to drink from the bottle (of water of course) when I run out of pre-filled tap water bottles on my long car drives for work -- I just found this an interesting and disturbing fact.

This is a country that is addicted to bottled water, yet we have abundant clean drinking water that we use to wash our clothes with, flush our toilets with, and water our yards with (I love watering my yard. I feel like I am feeding life. I also like to flush my toilet, however, I grew up in the 70's, remember "if it's yellow. . ."? I think I developed a natural concern for potable water from that experience), and I wish I could gather up some of this fresh, clean water and ship it to impoverished children who are drinking out of a ditch.

Want more info. on the state of our water, choose Fresh Air, Nov. 27th (I was unable to make a direct link to this program)? Want good news? People as a whole are using less water per person than we have in the past ten years thanks to more efficient appliances.


jonathan said...

Yes. That's why I always eat the bottle. It's kinda like eating a few extra liters of water.

Kirstie said...

chock full of fiber too.